What Is Parents' Evening?

Parent/teacher consultations, often known as parents' evenings, are a regular date in the Parkhead Primary School and Nursery calendar. They can provide a great opportunity to go into the school, see work, and have a one-to-one chat with the teachers. We aren't permitted to do face to face consultations at the moment but instead parents/carers are offered a video consultation at a time of their choosing. 

When Is Parents' Evening?

Parent/teacher consultations take place twice each academic session. Consultation appointments are booked online using our online booking system. You will receive notification of when the system is ready to take bookings for an upcoming parents' evening.

How Do I Use The Online Booking System

Full instructions on how to use the online booking service can be found in the  Parent Consultation Online Booking Guide 2022 (PDF) [915KB] (opens new window)  


What Should I Expect?

Too often Parents' Evening  doesn't give the positive experience that you and the teachers are looking for, with challenges around making it personal, not just a formality, whilst also making the most of the time.

Here are our top tips to make the most of the parents' evening:

  • Talk: Take time to speak to your child in advance of the evening. Find out whether there's anything they'd like to discuss or understand more about. If they are younger - how do they feel, and is there anything specific they'd like you to ask?
  • Write it down: Make a note of your questions or areas you'd like to discuss. That way you won't miss anything if the evening is a bit rushed.
  • Listen: On the evening, it's very easy to get caught up in the moment asking questions; remember to take the time to listen to the feedback.
  • Take notes: Write anything down or add notes to your phone or tablet that you might want to find out a bit more about.
  • The bigger picture: Although academic performance is obviously important, there are many other aspects of your child's school life that you may not know about, like social interactions, so don't be afraid to ask about these too.
  • What's next?: It's a good idea to ask the teacher how you can help to support your child outside of the classroom - ask for any tricks they may have to help you with this that they use in the classroom.

Finally, if you have a concern about your child and parents' night is months away don't feel you have to wait until the consultations come around. If you need to speak to your class teacher about a concern you have, please contact the school office.